2003. Actor, mime and theatre teacher in a project of development and social and artistic promotion: Proyecto de apacitaciòn para el Trabajo y Formaciòn en Derechos Civiles con Mujeres Jòvenes en Huancavelica with the Instituto Ecològico para el Desarrollo, Peru.
At 3600 meters above sea level, on the Andes cordillera, in the poorest region of Peru, with a group of women (some of them victims of family violence), a project of development and social promotion through the scene.
2005. Mimo-corporel, author and figure animator in an artistic work by awareness raising and social promotion in maximum security prisons, a Castro Castro and Chorrillo Escuela Nacional Superior de Arte Dramático (ENSAD), Lima, Peru.
2008. Mime, author and figure animator in shows and then teacher of “titeres corporales” (corporal puppets) and forum theatre in “artistic-social” seminars in the disadvantaged suburbs of Lima, in “barriadas”, “cerros” and in the district of Comas, Peru.
Date2003, 2005, 2008PlaceLima, Peru